Founders' Perspective

January 17, 2023

We’re excited to announce Amberflo is now generally available and has raised $20Million in total funding. Norwest Venture Partners led our Series A round with full participation from our seed investors. You can read the full press release here.

Today, we are already managing end-to-end metering, pricing, invoicing, and billing infrastructure for several companies including some large, complex, and high volume use cases from LaunchDarkly,, SupportLogic, and others. Our platform is ingesting tens of billions of meter events a day, and providing exceptional ROI to customers.

We started Amberflo back in 2020. At the time, most people were on the fence about Usage-Based Pricing (UBP). Of course, we held a steadfast view that Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) was the future and would become the dominant business model. Coming into 2023, we believe there is ample evidence that for businesses it is no longer a question of if, but only when. Companies with UBP consistently drive greater organic growth leading to superior customer Net Retention Rate (NRR) and lower Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC).

And when it comes to product, design choices matter. 

In a UBP world, metering (usage) is the system of record; not pricing. Pricing is ephemeral…pricing will change, pricing will come and go. Metering records have to be kept intact, and accurate. If your metering records are intact (clean, untangled, accurate, easily and readily accessible, with a standardized interface), you are set for life! We’ve written more about this thesis in a separate post here, where we unpack this from the 1st principles of the Cloud - Why the shift to Usage-Based Pricing is inevitable?

This thesis is at the foundation of Amberflo’s architecture and design, and customers are taking note:

“The idea of separating metering from pricing and billing is a stroke of genius in my opinion because it lets you separate the conversations of ‘what will we meter’ and ‘how will we price and package’.”

- Patrick O’Keeffe, SVP Technology, FeatureBase

“Amberflo’s idea of decoupling metering from pricing and billing, yet keeping it in a single integrated platform, has allowed us to work more effectively at LaunchDarkly by separating concerns about what we meter from how we price.”

Nate Graf, Senior Engineering Manager, LaunchDarkly

More and more customers are realizing the benefits of this design approach and we invite you to try it out for yourself. We have conviction in our design and approach, and therefore, have made our platform open to all - self-serve sign up, no feature gating, no credit card required to get started, and we start you off with a generous free tier.

The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Our vision is bold - to help transition the world to a more fair and transparent business model in the form of usage-based pricing. Give our product a try. Tell us what you think? We commit to delighting you with new and innovative products.

See why Norwest invested in Amberflo, and my conversation with Operator Collective and their view on the shift to Usage-Based Pricing.



Founders' Perspective

January 17, 2023

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022

We’re excited to announce Amberflo is now generally available and has raised $20Million in total funding. Norwest Venture Partners led our Series A round with full participation from our seed investors. You can read the full press release here.

Today, we are already managing end-to-end metering, pricing, invoicing, and billing infrastructure for several companies including some large, complex, and high volume use cases from LaunchDarkly,, SupportLogic, and others. Our platform is ingesting tens of billions of meter events a day, and providing exceptional ROI to customers.

We started Amberflo back in 2020. At the time, most people were on the fence about Usage-Based Pricing (UBP). Of course, we held a steadfast view that Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) was the future and would become the dominant business model. Coming into 2023, we believe there is ample evidence that for businesses it is no longer a question of if, but only when. Companies with UBP consistently drive greater organic growth leading to superior customer Net Retention Rate (NRR) and lower Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC).

And when it comes to product, design choices matter. 

In a UBP world, metering (usage) is the system of record; not pricing. Pricing is ephemeral…pricing will change, pricing will come and go. Metering records have to be kept intact, and accurate. If your metering records are intact (clean, untangled, accurate, easily and readily accessible, with a standardized interface), you are set for life! We’ve written more about this thesis in a separate post here, where we unpack this from the 1st principles of the Cloud - Why the shift to Usage-Based Pricing is inevitable?

This thesis is at the foundation of Amberflo’s architecture and design, and customers are taking note:

“The idea of separating metering from pricing and billing is a stroke of genius in my opinion because it lets you separate the conversations of ‘what will we meter’ and ‘how will we price and package’.”

- Patrick O’Keeffe, SVP Technology, FeatureBase

“Amberflo’s idea of decoupling metering from pricing and billing, yet keeping it in a single integrated platform, has allowed us to work more effectively at LaunchDarkly by separating concerns about what we meter from how we price.”

Nate Graf, Senior Engineering Manager, LaunchDarkly

More and more customers are realizing the benefits of this design approach and we invite you to try it out for yourself. We have conviction in our design and approach, and therefore, have made our platform open to all - self-serve sign up, no feature gating, no credit card required to get started, and we start you off with a generous free tier.

The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Our vision is bold - to help transition the world to a more fair and transparent business model in the form of usage-based pricing. Give our product a try. Tell us what you think? We commit to delighting you with new and innovative products.

See why Norwest invested in Amberflo, and my conversation with Operator Collective and their view on the shift to Usage-Based Pricing.



Flat Pricing Is Dead.
Explore metering and usage based billing with our advance platform.
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We’re excited to announce Amberflo is now generally available and has raised $20Million in total funding. Norwest Venture Partners led our Series A round with full participation from our seed investors. You can read the full press release here.

Today, we are already managing end-to-end metering, pricing, invoicing, and billing infrastructure for several companies including some large, complex, and high volume use cases from LaunchDarkly,, SupportLogic, and others. Our platform is ingesting tens of billions of meter events a day, and providing exceptional ROI to customers.

We started Amberflo back in 2020. At the time, most people were on the fence about Usage-Based Pricing (UBP). Of course, we held a steadfast view that Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) was the future and would become the dominant business model. Coming into 2023, we believe there is ample evidence that for businesses it is no longer a question of if, but only when. Companies with UBP consistently drive greater organic growth leading to superior customer Net Retention Rate (NRR) and lower Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC).

And when it comes to product, design choices matter. 

In a UBP world, metering (usage) is the system of record; not pricing. Pricing is ephemeral…pricing will change, pricing will come and go. Metering records have to be kept intact, and accurate. If your metering records are intact (clean, untangled, accurate, easily and readily accessible, with a standardized interface), you are set for life! We’ve written more about this thesis in a separate post here, where we unpack this from the 1st principles of the Cloud - Why the shift to Usage-Based Pricing is inevitable?

This thesis is at the foundation of Amberflo’s architecture and design, and customers are taking note:

“The idea of separating metering from pricing and billing is a stroke of genius in my opinion because it lets you separate the conversations of ‘what will we meter’ and ‘how will we price and package’.”

- Patrick O’Keeffe, SVP Technology, FeatureBase

“Amberflo’s idea of decoupling metering from pricing and billing, yet keeping it in a single integrated platform, has allowed us to work more effectively at LaunchDarkly by separating concerns about what we meter from how we price.”

Nate Graf, Senior Engineering Manager, LaunchDarkly

More and more customers are realizing the benefits of this design approach and we invite you to try it out for yourself. We have conviction in our design and approach, and therefore, have made our platform open to all - self-serve sign up, no feature gating, no credit card required to get started, and we start you off with a generous free tier.

The possibilities and opportunities are endless. Our vision is bold - to help transition the world to a more fair and transparent business model in the form of usage-based pricing. Give our product a try. Tell us what you think? We commit to delighting you with new and innovative products.

See why Norwest invested in Amberflo, and my conversation with Operator Collective and their view on the shift to Usage-Based Pricing.



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