
Check our latest press appearances and upcoming conference schedule

August 2, 2023
We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

From the Press Room

A roundup of our recent appearances:

  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta wrote an article for TechCrunch, "How your company can adopt a usage-based business model like AWS"
  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta gave an interview with TFiR discussing cloud cost reduction and getting started with usage-based pricing. The full interview can be found here
  • Amberflo CTO Lior Mechlovich discussed the beginnings of Amberflo, some challenges and requirements of a cloud metering system, and what the future of usage-based pricing looks like in an interview with gitconnected. The full interview can be found here.

See us at local conferences

If you are attending any of the following events, be sure to stop by our booth for a quick hello and look for us in featured speaking sessions.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Automatically create Product Items from billable meters
    We streamlined Product Item creation. When creating meters that are to be used for billing, we offer the option to automatically create Product Items associated with these meters. This way, you can immediately add these Product Items to a Pricing Plan without having to first create them manually.
    While we don't recommend automatically creating Product Items for all meters (remember, some meters can be simply used to track action or usage independent of billing, or you may decide to use for billing later on), there are always core meters that you intend to bill on from the get-go and this creates a more seamless workflow for quickly creating usage-based pricing plans.
  • Stacked bar chart view to Usage Explorer
    We have added the stacked bar chart visualization type to the 'By Dimension' view in Usage Explorer. This shows all of the meters as a stacked bar, with each colored section representing a group of meters with the same dimension. We also have included stacked bar charts in Price Modeling; when comparing the performance of pricing plans, each colored section represents revenue from different Product Items as a fraction of the total revenue.
    The view allows for easily comparing across dimensions or Product Items at a glance, and was among the most-requested by our users.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Product Item-level Signals
    We have added two new signal types, 'Product Item Usage Limit' and 'Product Item Charge Amount'. The first allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or create unique Signals for separate customers) usage for that Product Item crosses some threshold. The second allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or a specific customer's) charge amount for a particular Product Item surpasses some threshold dollar amount.
    When signal conditions are met, send a notification to a list of emails, or send it as a webhook for downstream actions by third-party applications (such as to restrict usage after some limit is reached).
  • Coming soon - Salesforce Integration
    Our integration with Salesforce is a managed package that is installed to your environment. It allows you to have full control of all things usage-based pricing and billing from within Salesforce. Salespeople will be able to have full control of pricing plans, promotions, rewards, and invoices, all from their familiar Salesforce interface. Behind-the-scenes, corresponding user actions are taken in Amberflo. The integration is entering the final stages of testing with our design partners and will be available for general use in the coming weeks.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.


Check our latest press appearances and upcoming conference schedule

August 2, 2023

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022
We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

From the Press Room

A roundup of our recent appearances:

  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta wrote an article for TechCrunch, "How your company can adopt a usage-based business model like AWS"
  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta gave an interview with TFiR discussing cloud cost reduction and getting started with usage-based pricing. The full interview can be found here
  • Amberflo CTO Lior Mechlovich discussed the beginnings of Amberflo, some challenges and requirements of a cloud metering system, and what the future of usage-based pricing looks like in an interview with gitconnected. The full interview can be found here.

See us at local conferences

If you are attending any of the following events, be sure to stop by our booth for a quick hello and look for us in featured speaking sessions.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Automatically create Product Items from billable meters
    We streamlined Product Item creation. When creating meters that are to be used for billing, we offer the option to automatically create Product Items associated with these meters. This way, you can immediately add these Product Items to a Pricing Plan without having to first create them manually.
    While we don't recommend automatically creating Product Items for all meters (remember, some meters can be simply used to track action or usage independent of billing, or you may decide to use for billing later on), there are always core meters that you intend to bill on from the get-go and this creates a more seamless workflow for quickly creating usage-based pricing plans.
  • Stacked bar chart view to Usage Explorer
    We have added the stacked bar chart visualization type to the 'By Dimension' view in Usage Explorer. This shows all of the meters as a stacked bar, with each colored section representing a group of meters with the same dimension. We also have included stacked bar charts in Price Modeling; when comparing the performance of pricing plans, each colored section represents revenue from different Product Items as a fraction of the total revenue.
    The view allows for easily comparing across dimensions or Product Items at a glance, and was among the most-requested by our users.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Product Item-level Signals
    We have added two new signal types, 'Product Item Usage Limit' and 'Product Item Charge Amount'. The first allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or create unique Signals for separate customers) usage for that Product Item crosses some threshold. The second allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or a specific customer's) charge amount for a particular Product Item surpasses some threshold dollar amount.
    When signal conditions are met, send a notification to a list of emails, or send it as a webhook for downstream actions by third-party applications (such as to restrict usage after some limit is reached).
  • Coming soon - Salesforce Integration
    Our integration with Salesforce is a managed package that is installed to your environment. It allows you to have full control of all things usage-based pricing and billing from within Salesforce. Salespeople will be able to have full control of pricing plans, promotions, rewards, and invoices, all from their familiar Salesforce interface. Behind-the-scenes, corresponding user actions are taken in Amberflo. The integration is entering the final stages of testing with our design partners and will be available for general use in the coming weeks.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.

Flat Pricing Is Dead.
Explore metering and usage based billing with our advance platform.
Developer friendly, and built with LLMs in mind
Book Demo
We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

From the Press Room

A roundup of our recent appearances:

  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta wrote an article for TechCrunch, "How your company can adopt a usage-based business model like AWS"
  • Amberflo CEO Puneet Gupta gave an interview with TFiR discussing cloud cost reduction and getting started with usage-based pricing. The full interview can be found here
  • Amberflo CTO Lior Mechlovich discussed the beginnings of Amberflo, some challenges and requirements of a cloud metering system, and what the future of usage-based pricing looks like in an interview with gitconnected. The full interview can be found here.

See us at local conferences

If you are attending any of the following events, be sure to stop by our booth for a quick hello and look for us in featured speaking sessions.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Automatically create Product Items from billable meters
    We streamlined Product Item creation. When creating meters that are to be used for billing, we offer the option to automatically create Product Items associated with these meters. This way, you can immediately add these Product Items to a Pricing Plan without having to first create them manually.
    While we don't recommend automatically creating Product Items for all meters (remember, some meters can be simply used to track action or usage independent of billing, or you may decide to use for billing later on), there are always core meters that you intend to bill on from the get-go and this creates a more seamless workflow for quickly creating usage-based pricing plans.
  • Stacked bar chart view to Usage Explorer
    We have added the stacked bar chart visualization type to the 'By Dimension' view in Usage Explorer. This shows all of the meters as a stacked bar, with each colored section representing a group of meters with the same dimension. We also have included stacked bar charts in Price Modeling; when comparing the performance of pricing plans, each colored section represents revenue from different Product Items as a fraction of the total revenue.
    The view allows for easily comparing across dimensions or Product Items at a glance, and was among the most-requested by our users.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Product Item-level Signals
    We have added two new signal types, 'Product Item Usage Limit' and 'Product Item Charge Amount'. The first allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or create unique Signals for separate customers) usage for that Product Item crosses some threshold. The second allows you to define signal conditions that are met when each customer's (or a specific customer's) charge amount for a particular Product Item surpasses some threshold dollar amount.
    When signal conditions are met, send a notification to a list of emails, or send it as a webhook for downstream actions by third-party applications (such as to restrict usage after some limit is reached).
  • Coming soon - Salesforce Integration
    Our integration with Salesforce is a managed package that is installed to your environment. It allows you to have full control of all things usage-based pricing and billing from within Salesforce. Salespeople will be able to have full control of pricing plans, promotions, rewards, and invoices, all from their familiar Salesforce interface. Behind-the-scenes, corresponding user actions are taken in Amberflo. The integration is entering the final stages of testing with our design partners and will be available for general use in the coming weeks.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.

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