Use Amberflo to analyze and query usage data

June 7, 2023
We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Email templates for Signals
    Customize Signals (usage, invoices, credits alerts and notifications). Use out-of-the-box available templates and notify users, groups, or 3rd party applications about changes in usage. Set signal alerts to be sent to any number of stakeholders automatically when the conditions are met.
  • New usage query interface in Usage Explorer
    Amberflo allows you to filter, analyze, and explore real-time usage data with granular controls. Slice meter data by customer, meter type, or custom meter dimension (attributes). The new interface for the Usage Explorer allows you to easily apply multiple filters, enabling more sophisticated queries with no code. For example, you can view "all meters where dimension1 = X for Customer1" by pushing a few buttons in the UI instead of constructing a query and calling the Usage API.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Signals for Invoices and Credits
    In addition to setting alerts on Usage, you can set custom alerts for Invoice amount, or Credits consumed. Signals for Invoices allow users and account teams to stay up to date on spend and revenue; alert when the invoice amount (total amount or for a specific product item) crosses a set threshold or percent change. Signals for Credits enables notifying users and account teams in real-time when Credits drop below a set threshold or percent change.
  • Upgrade or downgrade Pricing Plans, mid-billing cycle, with immediate effect
    Amberflo allows you to upgrade and downgrade customers from one pricing plan to another at any point in the billing cycle without missing a single meter event of billable usage. On the plan side, you can create new pricing plans, or deprecate/retire existing plans at any point in the billing cycle. If an active plan is retired mid-cycle, you can now choose and/or automate transitioning customers to a new plan, immediately, or at a set interval (e.g. start of the next billing cycle). Amberflo will automatically prorate the charges across plans.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.

Use Amberflo to analyze and query usage data

June 7, 2023

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022
We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Email templates for Signals
    Customize Signals (usage, invoices, credits alerts and notifications). Use out-of-the-box available templates and notify users, groups, or 3rd party applications about changes in usage. Set signal alerts to be sent to any number of stakeholders automatically when the conditions are met.
  • New usage query interface in Usage Explorer
    Amberflo allows you to filter, analyze, and explore real-time usage data with granular controls. Slice meter data by customer, meter type, or custom meter dimension (attributes). The new interface for the Usage Explorer allows you to easily apply multiple filters, enabling more sophisticated queries with no code. For example, you can view "all meters where dimension1 = X for Customer1" by pushing a few buttons in the UI instead of constructing a query and calling the Usage API.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Signals for Invoices and Credits
    In addition to setting alerts on Usage, you can set custom alerts for Invoice amount, or Credits consumed. Signals for Invoices allow users and account teams to stay up to date on spend and revenue; alert when the invoice amount (total amount or for a specific product item) crosses a set threshold or percent change. Signals for Credits enables notifying users and account teams in real-time when Credits drop below a set threshold or percent change.
  • Upgrade or downgrade Pricing Plans, mid-billing cycle, with immediate effect
    Amberflo allows you to upgrade and downgrade customers from one pricing plan to another at any point in the billing cycle without missing a single meter event of billable usage. On the plan side, you can create new pricing plans, or deprecate/retire existing plans at any point in the billing cycle. If an active plan is retired mid-cycle, you can now choose and/or automate transitioning customers to a new plan, immediately, or at a set interval (e.g. start of the next billing cycle). Amberflo will automatically prorate the charges across plans.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.
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We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with everything happening here at Amberflo.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

Monetize APIs, Platforms, Marketplaces, and more...

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource in real time.

  • Email templates for Signals
    Customize Signals (usage, invoices, credits alerts and notifications). Use out-of-the-box available templates and notify users, groups, or 3rd party applications about changes in usage. Set signal alerts to be sent to any number of stakeholders automatically when the conditions are met.
  • New usage query interface in Usage Explorer
    Amberflo allows you to filter, analyze, and explore real-time usage data with granular controls. Slice meter data by customer, meter type, or custom meter dimension (attributes). The new interface for the Usage Explorer allows you to easily apply multiple filters, enabling more sophisticated queries with no code. For example, you can view "all meters where dimension1 = X for Customer1" by pushing a few buttons in the UI instead of constructing a query and calling the Usage API.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

Real-time, on-demand Usage-Based Metered Pricing and Billing

Delight customers with flexible Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Signals for Invoices and Credits
    In addition to setting alerts on Usage, you can set custom alerts for Invoice amount, or Credits consumed. Signals for Invoices allow users and account teams to stay up to date on spend and revenue; alert when the invoice amount (total amount or for a specific product item) crosses a set threshold or percent change. Signals for Credits enables notifying users and account teams in real-time when Credits drop below a set threshold or percent change.
  • Upgrade or downgrade Pricing Plans, mid-billing cycle, with immediate effect
    Amberflo allows you to upgrade and downgrade customers from one pricing plan to another at any point in the billing cycle without missing a single meter event of billable usage. On the plan side, you can create new pricing plans, or deprecate/retire existing plans at any point in the billing cycle. If an active plan is retired mid-cycle, you can now choose and/or automate transitioning customers to a new plan, immediately, or at a set interval (e.g. start of the next billing cycle). Amberflo will automatically prorate the charges across plans.

News and Blog

Insightful articles and perspective from our blog.

  • Five usage-based pricing principles that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers
    Much is written in general about how Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) is the most fair and transparent pricing model for customers. The challenge for businesses has been finding a way to operationalize this approach in such a way that is not cost-prohibitive to implement while providing some measure of predictability for usage and revenue. Metering has emerged as a technology discipline unto itself, and the strategy of metering (usage instrumenting) as the underlying solution for building usage-based pricing plans on top is now more widely understood. Amberflo makes this cost-effective for companies to implement at any scale, and we’ve built tools such as the Usage and Revenue Explorers, and Price Modeling to create predictability and help users uncover insights from their usage data. In this article, we’ll outline five of the unique elements of UBP plans that drive maximal transparency and fairness for customers. Read the full post here.

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