Amberflo is now available for self-service sign-up

March 18, 2022

Amberflo Newsletter Highlights - March 15

We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Self-Service Product Launch

Last week we made our platform available for self-service. Sign up on our website and begin creating meters, ingesting events, and creating your own usage-based pricing plans. We have rich documentation and an in-product walkthrough to help you get started, and we are always available to help or set up a deep dive.

We've also updated our Pricing model to include an updated, generous Free tier. For the first month, your first 100 million meter events ingested are free; thereafter, the first 100,000 events per month are free. Each and every month, your first 25 invoices are sent for free; thereafter, we charge 0.5 percent of the invoice amount.

Customer Highlights - launch at South by Southwest 2022

Last week at South by Southwest, announced the public launch of its product, built with Amberflo to enable its usage metering and usage-based pricing and billing strategy. Be sure to check out their website and product and stay tuned for an upcoming case study detailing how we worked together to deliver a metering pipeline and's tiered usage-based pricing plan with credits, to production in record time. Check out their announcement with a video demonstration linked here.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Meter Creation Lifecycle management

    We have updated the Metering Cloud console to include controls for meter lifecycle management. You can see meters not yet deployed, deprecated meters, and meters that are live in production and easily toggle meters between stages. Amberflo has no limits to the number or type of meters that you can create or deploy, and the best practice we recommend is to meter as many and as much as possible, both internally for back-end resource consumption and customer-facing meters to track usage and understand user behaviors.
  • Meter Event Lifecycle view

    To create a strong audit-trail, we have enabled meter event-level lifecycle view. You can search for an ingested meter event and see which customer, product item, pricing plan, and invoice it was associated with. This enables an audit trail for all events from the time they are sent to Amberflo and streamlines auditing and responding to customer inquiries regarding their bills.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional, events based Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive the highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Explorer views with enhanced filters

    We have updated both the Revenue and Usage Explorers to allow users to filter the data by various criteria including customer, meter name, and date/time range. This increases out-of-the-box functionality for analytics and extracting intelligence from the usage and billing data for downstream use across business areas such as sales/marketing, finance, and product.
  • Invoice and Billing updated in real time

    Amberflo is a truly real-time system; as events are ingested, they are persisted, transformed, and aggregated according to the logic set during meter definition. The product items are connected to these meters, so as events come in, bills are updated with the incoming usage as it happens. Users and customers can see real-time invoices and the up-to-date wallet balances with any credits.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • Amberflo named among the 101 most innovative startups by Data Magazine

    Amberflo was selected based on exceptional performance across Innovation (ideas, route to market, product), Growth (strategy, product growth), Management, and Societal Impact. Check out the article to learn more.
  • Should your Pricing and Billing solution do more?

    Without first creating a viable system of record for customer usage and consumption, you can never generate true, real-time Pricing Intelligence. Amberflo’s differentiated approach tackles this challenge from a unique perspective, first treating it as a data and infrastructure problem to be solved. Once a robust and complete infrastructure is created to capture and aggregate usage via Metering Cloud, customers can intelligently define their pricing strategies with relevant data from their own business. On an ongoing basis, benefit from more accurate forecasts and more personalized, informed interactions with customers by moving beyond static invoices and backward-facing analysis and generating true Pricing Intelligence. Read the full blog here.

Amberflo is now available for self-service sign-up

March 18, 2022

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022

Amberflo Newsletter Highlights - March 15

We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Self-Service Product Launch

Last week we made our platform available for self-service. Sign up on our website and begin creating meters, ingesting events, and creating your own usage-based pricing plans. We have rich documentation and an in-product walkthrough to help you get started, and we are always available to help or set up a deep dive.

We've also updated our Pricing model to include an updated, generous Free tier. For the first month, your first 100 million meter events ingested are free; thereafter, the first 100,000 events per month are free. Each and every month, your first 25 invoices are sent for free; thereafter, we charge 0.5 percent of the invoice amount.

Customer Highlights - launch at South by Southwest 2022

Last week at South by Southwest, announced the public launch of its product, built with Amberflo to enable its usage metering and usage-based pricing and billing strategy. Be sure to check out their website and product and stay tuned for an upcoming case study detailing how we worked together to deliver a metering pipeline and's tiered usage-based pricing plan with credits, to production in record time. Check out their announcement with a video demonstration linked here.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Meter Creation Lifecycle management

    We have updated the Metering Cloud console to include controls for meter lifecycle management. You can see meters not yet deployed, deprecated meters, and meters that are live in production and easily toggle meters between stages. Amberflo has no limits to the number or type of meters that you can create or deploy, and the best practice we recommend is to meter as many and as much as possible, both internally for back-end resource consumption and customer-facing meters to track usage and understand user behaviors.
  • Meter Event Lifecycle view

    To create a strong audit-trail, we have enabled meter event-level lifecycle view. You can search for an ingested meter event and see which customer, product item, pricing plan, and invoice it was associated with. This enables an audit trail for all events from the time they are sent to Amberflo and streamlines auditing and responding to customer inquiries regarding their bills.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional, events based Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive the highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Explorer views with enhanced filters

    We have updated both the Revenue and Usage Explorers to allow users to filter the data by various criteria including customer, meter name, and date/time range. This increases out-of-the-box functionality for analytics and extracting intelligence from the usage and billing data for downstream use across business areas such as sales/marketing, finance, and product.
  • Invoice and Billing updated in real time

    Amberflo is a truly real-time system; as events are ingested, they are persisted, transformed, and aggregated according to the logic set during meter definition. The product items are connected to these meters, so as events come in, bills are updated with the incoming usage as it happens. Users and customers can see real-time invoices and the up-to-date wallet balances with any credits.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • Amberflo named among the 101 most innovative startups by Data Magazine

    Amberflo was selected based on exceptional performance across Innovation (ideas, route to market, product), Growth (strategy, product growth), Management, and Societal Impact. Check out the article to learn more.
  • Should your Pricing and Billing solution do more?

    Without first creating a viable system of record for customer usage and consumption, you can never generate true, real-time Pricing Intelligence. Amberflo’s differentiated approach tackles this challenge from a unique perspective, first treating it as a data and infrastructure problem to be solved. Once a robust and complete infrastructure is created to capture and aggregate usage via Metering Cloud, customers can intelligently define their pricing strategies with relevant data from their own business. On an ongoing basis, benefit from more accurate forecasts and more personalized, informed interactions with customers by moving beyond static invoices and backward-facing analysis and generating true Pricing Intelligence. Read the full blog here.

Flat Pricing Is Dead.
Explore metering and usage based billing with our advance platform.
Developer friendly, and built with LLMs in mind
Book Demo

Amberflo Newsletter Highlights - March 15

We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Self-Service Product Launch

Last week we made our platform available for self-service. Sign up on our website and begin creating meters, ingesting events, and creating your own usage-based pricing plans. We have rich documentation and an in-product walkthrough to help you get started, and we are always available to help or set up a deep dive.

We've also updated our Pricing model to include an updated, generous Free tier. For the first month, your first 100 million meter events ingested are free; thereafter, the first 100,000 events per month are free. Each and every month, your first 25 invoices are sent for free; thereafter, we charge 0.5 percent of the invoice amount.

Customer Highlights - launch at South by Southwest 2022

Last week at South by Southwest, announced the public launch of its product, built with Amberflo to enable its usage metering and usage-based pricing and billing strategy. Be sure to check out their website and product and stay tuned for an upcoming case study detailing how we worked together to deliver a metering pipeline and's tiered usage-based pricing plan with credits, to production in record time. Check out their announcement with a video demonstration linked here.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Meter Creation Lifecycle management

    We have updated the Metering Cloud console to include controls for meter lifecycle management. You can see meters not yet deployed, deprecated meters, and meters that are live in production and easily toggle meters between stages. Amberflo has no limits to the number or type of meters that you can create or deploy, and the best practice we recommend is to meter as many and as much as possible, both internally for back-end resource consumption and customer-facing meters to track usage and understand user behaviors.
  • Meter Event Lifecycle view

    To create a strong audit-trail, we have enabled meter event-level lifecycle view. You can search for an ingested meter event and see which customer, product item, pricing plan, and invoice it was associated with. This enables an audit trail for all events from the time they are sent to Amberflo and streamlines auditing and responding to customer inquiries regarding their bills.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional, events based Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) and drive the highest levels of revenue and product adoption.

  • Explorer views with enhanced filters

    We have updated both the Revenue and Usage Explorers to allow users to filter the data by various criteria including customer, meter name, and date/time range. This increases out-of-the-box functionality for analytics and extracting intelligence from the usage and billing data for downstream use across business areas such as sales/marketing, finance, and product.
  • Invoice and Billing updated in real time

    Amberflo is a truly real-time system; as events are ingested, they are persisted, transformed, and aggregated according to the logic set during meter definition. The product items are connected to these meters, so as events come in, bills are updated with the incoming usage as it happens. Users and customers can see real-time invoices and the up-to-date wallet balances with any credits.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • Amberflo named among the 101 most innovative startups by Data Magazine

    Amberflo was selected based on exceptional performance across Innovation (ideas, route to market, product), Growth (strategy, product growth), Management, and Societal Impact. Check out the article to learn more.
  • Should your Pricing and Billing solution do more?

    Without first creating a viable system of record for customer usage and consumption, you can never generate true, real-time Pricing Intelligence. Amberflo’s differentiated approach tackles this challenge from a unique perspective, first treating it as a data and infrastructure problem to be solved. Once a robust and complete infrastructure is created to capture and aggregate usage via Metering Cloud, customers can intelligently define their pricing strategies with relevant data from their own business. On an ongoing basis, benefit from more accurate forecasts and more personalized, informed interactions with customers by moving beyond static invoices and backward-facing analysis and generating true Pricing Intelligence. Read the full blog here.

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